The Design process is the most crucial driving factor in any construction or manufacturing project. Design decisions made at the inception stage on material selection, fabrication method and erection method, will have a tremendous impact on the project’s feasibility and its level of costs, weight and programme. Hence, a designer’s competence, experience and accuracy are of utmost importance in building the most cost-effective product. Our team offers our clients an integrated service, meeting their design, functional and aesthetic requirements through communication, value engineering and high-quality manufacturing.
We initially review the main frame design of a prospective project. In cases where the main frame has already been designed and there are structural drawings available, we undertake the connection design in-house. If the main frame needs to be designed in its entirety, we utilise our network of experienced and reputable structural engineers and structural design offices to provide a full design and build service. Our third-party design contractors’ extensive experience enables us to offer design and build solutions for wide range of structures including heavy industrial buildings, multi-storey building structures, cold-formed steel buildings, pedestrian bridges and above-ground cylindrical steel tanks.

Eurocodes have been implemented as the design standard in Greece and in many European countries. Eurocodes include: Eurocode 3 for steel structures, Eurocode 4 for composite steel and concrete structures and Eurocode 9 for aluminium structures.  All structural calculations are in accordance with Eurocodes or Greek Standards depending on the regulatory framework and the client’s preference.

We use the latest and most effective steelwork 3D modelling software to produce fabrication drawings and files. We can either build our 3D model from structural drawings or we can undertake the detailing of BIM compatible structural design files. Once the model of the structure is fully detailed, it is reviewed through our internal checking procedure in order to detect potential faults in terms buildability or aesthetic problems in terms of appearance. All issues of functionality must be rectified before steelwork details and dimensions are released to the production floor and physical work begins. Subsequently, electronic data are automatically created for CNC machinery and fabrication drawings are distributed to our manufacturing team.