The first and foremost responsibility of Metallodomi is the welfare of our people. Throughout all our company’s activities, we attend to the Health and Safety of our workforce and every other person who may be affected by the work undertaken by our company. Deadlines, technical and financial setbacks all come second to safeguarding our employees and providing them with a safe place to work. To ensure that the highest safety standards are implemented, our company employs Health Safety consultants to form, review and update a Safety Management Control System specifically tailored to our needs, covering both our premises and site activities. Immediate and long-term risks are identified, mitigated and controlled using our FMEA process.
Our aim is simple and realistic. Everyone who works for and with us must return home safe and healthy at the end of the working day. Τo make this happen, Health and Safety must be lifted off the pages of certifications and policies and be addressed at a cultural level. It is only by fostering a culture of care and concern on the one hand and discipline and prudence on the other that we can achieve our goal.
The formulation of a comprehensive Health and Safety Policy may be the Managing Director’s personal responsibility, but the successful implementation of this policy relies on the contribution and commitment of everyone involved. To effectively advance safety, we need to work collaboratively.
Our company works to ensure that our workforce is always provided with premises that are safe and without risk to health. We regularly inspect our facilities to ensure safe means of access to and egress from workshop areas within our factory. We have a rolling training schedule in place to instruct and enable all employees from factory floor to boardroom to perform their work safely. Training is necessary to keep people alert regarding the hazards around the tasks they perform and the machinery they operate. Employees, subcontractors and those acting on our behalf have a duty on their part to work safely and efficiently, to use equipment provided in a safe manner, to adhere to safety protocols, to keep their workplace safe for themselves and others, to handle and transport articles in a safe manner, to take a vigilant stance on accident prevention and to report incidents that have led or may lead to injury or damage. The management consults and involves employees in health and safety matters regularly. Mishaps, however trivial, are treated as opportunities to further improve our performance. Every employee must feel empowered to openly discuss safety concerns and never to accept unsafe working conditions.
Our site safety approach strives to guarantee the safety of employees, sub-contractors and members of the public. Mobile cranes, scissor lifts, telescopic handlers, access equipment, guard rails, safety netting and edge protection are specifically chosen to suit the parameters of each construction site. Erection Method Statements are formulated for each construction site. Our employees are required to use, inspect and take care of the personal protective equipment they provided with. Despite working on large construction sites, our safety officers have managed to deliver outstanding risk control. We are humbled to have recently achieved over 300.000 hours with no lost-time incidents.